Splattershot sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Tentatek set

As with many shorter ranged weapons, the Splattershot's priority in Splat Zones is not to paint, but to attack opposing painting units. That's why you bring Splat Bombs as a first strike against other zone painters. However, due to the multipurpose qualities of this basic weapon, your priority might better be described as staying on the Zones and preventing any takeovers.

Keep an open mind between painting and attacking, for even if you don't splat an opponent, you still build meter for a Triple Inkstrike counterattack. These should be saved for an emergency, against superior numbers or to instantly reverse a turnover. If the zones are safely under control, only then extend to gain extra meter.

Not much to add except not to fixate on splats, even with a set designed around combat. Stay on zone, and even the impact of an enemy Suction Bomb can be overturned in a second. Engage mid to long range fighters without overextending, using Splat Bombs to quickly force their relocation. Only attack with support.

Tower Control: Vanilla set 

You take the Suction Bomb set for many of the reasons you'd take Suction Bombs with Splattershot Pro: to attack the tower when zoned out or to deny defense their sniping positions. Your ideal position is ahead of the group looking out for potential threats. Bomb them off their position and engage them.

Trizooka is a supplement to your main gun and wins battles at mid to long range. It's also a powerful option when fighting from the tower, though often you'll prefer to lead from a Suction Bomb, hoping for a clear shot. It's a far stronger slaying tool than anything you carry, and only its high point cost prevents the vanilla set from being overpowered.

Although the Splattershot is seen as "balanced", it's far more of a painting tool than a fighting one. It's effective against small flanking units, but otherwise outranged and outmatched. Use every cover opportunity to paint more, with surprise Suction Bombs ensuring your survival.

Rainmaker: Tentatek set

The Splattershot's damage against the Rainmaker shield is of 350 per second. The base damage to be considered effective at destroying the barrier. Outside of this value, the Splattershot fires from range and recovers ink easily, meaning it can spot threats and defend itself when targeted. Since both subweapons cost the same, pick Splat Bombs as the stronger combat sub. 

Outside of freeing Rainmaker, the Splattershot reverts to its status as versatile front rank fighter. It can paint a path, isolate individual targets or even offer bomb support at range. Focus on playing offense first, with priority given to targeting flankers and other short ranged forward units. Splat Bombs leading any attacks from your main weapon.

Offensively and defensively, Triple Inkstrike overpowers any semblance of unified opposition by the enemy. It's a big expensive special reserved for emergencies, as a line breaker or a push stopper. It's a Rainmaker blast all onto itself, allowing the carrier to charge forwards and win.

Clam Blitz: Vanilla set

You're not so much a fighter as much as a clam gatherer that secures its location before plundering. Until you spot a clam location, paint as much of the stage as possible. Once you see a spawn, make sure to secure it with a Suction Bomb. Invade the area and collect these clams before you're forced out.

The vanilla set is used to deny positional advantage. Whenever a charger tries to get the high ground or the enemy huddles to protect the basket, the vanilla set scatters them with either Suction Bomb or Trizooka, allowing teammates to forge ahead and take out the pieces. Your main gun is mostly for stage painting and the occasional attack of opportunity.

Map control plays a huge part of Clam Blitz, with Suction Bomb playing denial while your main gun does land acquisition. Trizooka can play the role of charger, making the Splattershot the full package. Playing Splattershot requires flexibility in all roles.

End Thoughts

The current Splattershot sets are far more technical than earlier sets, in particular the vanilla set of Splatoon 2 which was a berserker of a weapon. Judging when a mode requires a Suction Bomb or a Splat Bomb is necessary to understand your role within the objective, so these guides aren't just empty writing.

That said, the high cost of specials, and their effectiveness, changes matters. Vanilla set is seen as a powerhouse due to Inkzooka curving shots, which kinda takes away the attraction of the main gun. The new Splattershots are quite set dependant. 


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