N-Zap sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: N-Zap '85 set

The N-Zap is a very ink efficient painter struggling with opponents that outrange it. When pressured, it's best to back off and toss Suction Bombs into the zone so as to destabilize less mobile forces. Not only do Suction Bombs provide a greater ink impact, they also offer a stronger punch to force out opposing anchors and midrange units.

Although Super Chump might take over a zone in a hurry, I believe the N-Zap needs no help in this task. The real problem comes in keeping control, and Tacticooler upholds pressure through Quick Respawn buffs. You control the zones by keeping teammates active, not through explosive single use attacks.

The essence of N-Zap play revolves around knowing what's the ideal follow-up to your Suction Bombs. When to play aggressively and knowing the minimum amount of ink needed to prevent a turnover. Big bombs prevent Chargers and other anchors from establishing map dominance; the rest is mere maintenance.

Tower Control: N-Zap '85 set

Tossing Suction Bombs at the tower is a time honored tradition for the N-Zap, and I don't think any new fangled special is gonna change that. The game plan is simple: prevent opponents from riding the tower, gaining high ground or any other kind of positional advantage. Paint the stage thoroughly to give you and your mates as much movement options as possible.

With the tower properly harassed with long range bombs, Tacticooler comes in to help your teammates press forwards. As long as you prevent opponents from taking high ground, the speed advantage given to your mates should lead to more wins on engagements, and better opportunities to press the tower onwards.

As a jack of all trades, judgment is required to know when to ride the tower and when to forge ahead. The fact that N-Zap has limited slaying power means it prefers to ride, but its supportive nature lends it to follow forward forces for quicker elimination of enemies. Always move forwards to unseat opponents from their perches.

Rainmaker: N-Zap '89 set

The reason you don't pick Suction Bombs to free the Rainmaker is because it'd drain all of your ink and leave you defenseless to a counterattack. Attack the Barrier with your main weapon, but search for opportunities to attack using your excellent mobility to circle strafe towards enemies.

Due to their low ink cost, Autobombs can be tossed freely as a lead to an attack. In fact, the only reason not to toss an Autobomb would be because an ambush kill is available. Toss them on defense, on offense and toss another as you swim about the stage. Teammates know where threats are hidden by following the path of the walking bomb.

The Super Chump needs learning, but is essentially a large scale bombardment from a distance. An ideal special for destroying defensive lines or breaking up opponents huddling around the Rainmaker. I see it as similar to Triple Inkstrike, and a good match to the N-Zap.

Clam Blitz: N-Zap '89 set

Your tasks in Clam Blitz are many and varied: turfing as much area as possible to help team movement, collecting clams and most importantly; flaging threats for your mates. The low cost of Autobombs means they're always at the ready; you can toss them whenever there's a surprise encounter with an enemy. From there you can escape, double back or send a second Autobomb to keep the foe occupied.

Spamming Autobombs is a sure fire way to annoy opponents and get them to overextend into a trap. If you've been turfing extensively as you should, you'll have no trouble evading and circling back in a counterattack. Super Chump paints into enemy ground from a distance, allowing your mates to secure map control.

You take the '89 set because the low subweapon cost keeps you active as you travel the map. You might want a heavier bomb to displace those camping Power Clams or other clam emplacements, but your primary purpose should always be gaining ground and harassing potential targets.


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