Splash-o-matic sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Vanilla set

The noncommittal nature of Burst Bombs allow you to paint and pester enemies with minimal risk. You're a great zone painter and support to any teammate that wants to act as slayer in the immediate area. So don't look for enemies; look for friends and assist them in their endeavor.

In a game mode about control, Crab Tank allows you to hold your ground and keep the enemy repelled for at least 7 seconds. Both Splash specials are excellent, but this one is best suited for holding the field.

Crab Tank is such a powerful special that it pays to paint outside territory just for the meter. There's not much else to do: help with Burst Bombs when you can but you'll get more splats with the Tank. Toss long bombs for ink efficient meter building.

Tower Control: Vanilla set 

Both Splash sets have excellent subweapons but Burst Bombs offer versatility for the short range painter. In addition to threatening tower riders, you have the mobility to paint the tower from all sides, effectively locking it down from  enemy approach without them exposing their position. 

Splash-o-matic excels at fighting ahead of the group, acting as a first strike against other players. Play evasively, limiting enemy movement rather than going for the kill. Both main weapon and sub lack power, so you're more of a forward diversion than a slayer.

Crab Tank works the same way as in Splat Zones: a short term source of firepower the enemy must deal with while the tower is in movement. It's a powerful defensive force as well. The goal is to buy time while the team works the tower.

Rainmaker: Neo set

The Splash-o-matic is in a difficult position where it's DPS against the Barrier isn't outstanding and its ability to attack foes shredding at the Barrier isn't so great either. With offensive capabilities limited due to lack of range, I figure it's best to go all in on Barrier shredding with Suction Bomb supplements.

This tactic will draw the attention of enemy slayers. Pull back and force those players to overextend. As you retreat, toss a Suction Bomb to scare them off. Cut off from friends, slayers have nowhere to run to. Long range bombs are also more likely to cause a reaction than smaller Burst Bombs.

Triple Inkstrike is an explosive special that destroys any manner of established defense. You also regain mobility much faster, allowing you to return to the attack. You're support painter first and foremost, both for path creation and meter farming.

Clam Blitz: Neo set

Your Clam Blitz game plan is surprisingly similar to the Splattershot's: paint as much of the terrain to help the team travel, and hold onto Suction Bombs whenever a clam spawn is contested. You are a clam gatherer that drives away potential looters through the threat of a large bomb.

Suction Bomb also scares away anchors vying for map control, buys you time repelling an enemy push and can be thrown to dislodge basket defenders. Greater power makes it easier to force the enemy into your teammates sight lines.

Triple Inkstrike can thus be seen as a sidegrade to the old Suction Bomb Launcher, doing the same tasks as a Suction Bomb with less charging involved. It's even better as special denial, so do save on to it if you think the opposing team will pop special.


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