Goo Tuber sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Custom set

As one of the weakest chargers on the subject of painting, the Goo Tuber needs a way to pull targets in so as to snipe. Unlike Torpedoes, Fizzy Bombs cannot be destroyed. Your strategy should be to toss a charged bomb into the fray, then snipe those inking over the blast of your bomb.

You want the opponent to react to the effect of the bomb rather than the bomb itself. Your main weapon remains the Goo Tuber itself, and your role remains to charge and seek targets. The Fizzy Bomb merely provides an incentive to occupy nimble short ranged ink sprayers.

Such spray and pray players are the greatest danger to zone control. As such, the large hit box of Ultra Stamp ensures a splat no matter where they go. The Custom set offers tools best suited against lightweights, who'd otherwise shoot down torpedoes and evade missiles.

Tower Control: Vanilla set

The beauty of the vanilla set is that even if you don't have any clear shots, you still have tons of options due to your kit. By all means toss a few Torpedo at unsuspecting opponents. Even if they don't kill, they build meter for one of the best specials in the game. Take the Vanilla kit unless there's a clear reason to go Custom.

That said, most of your time should be spent sharking and taking aim at targets. Torpedo  and main have poor synergy due to the long charge time of the Goo Tuber, so it pays to do a lot of advance scouting with Torpedo. If nothing else, it helps your teammates at the front lines.

Little need be said of Tenta Missiles, a premium special for a mid to backline charger and already possessing great synergy with Torpedo. The threat of which is reason enough to support to build meter with Torpedo, which draws more opportunities to single out a target and snipe them.

Rainmaker: Custom set

In Rainmaker, the Goo Tuber itself is in a bad spot: prevented from countersniping due to how one would have to get past the Rainmaker to approach an anchor, the player must instead snipe defensively with a Charger lacking in range compared to other choices. Offense becomes that much more important. 

Unless directly threatened, the player should toss Fizzy Bomb to disperse defensive formations. You can only do so much sharking from side to side. Fizzy Bombs can't be denied, which is a factor when the whole enemy team wants to stop others from moving forwards.

Ultra Stamp is an obvious breakthrough tool, but it's even more effective as a flanking attack. If you can draw a side path and swim through unseen, your resulting stamp rampage will be that much more impressive. Otherwise, Ultra Stamp is the ideal special when pressured by persistent assault weapons.

Clam Blitz: Vanilla set

Vanilla set returns as one part bomb support and one part sniper. Torpedo serves to identify threats for your teammates and helps them set up their own offense. Charge the Goo Tuber and keep an open mind; once you spot your target evaluate whether you want to wait for a shot or wait for them to react to a Torpedo.

Clam collecting is a distant third priority behind sniping and bomb support. Your quicker 100 damage charge aids you in defensive sniping, effective against those who approach you as a target. Otherwise, let your teammates deal with other short range threats and let main and sub affect the stage from a distance. 

If you stand by such a philosophy, you'll get the most out of Tenta Missiles. Don't focus on building meter: concentrate on proding and eliminating enemies as they appear. Once you launch Missiles, search for an opportunity to take down a long ranged anchor unit. Those are the targets of highest value.


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