Octobrush sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Nouveau set

The Octobrush would be an excellent painter if it could reliably fight from within the zones. As it stands, avoid direct confrontations and wait from the sides to swoop in. Be a flanker, seeking open targets or painting while the enemy is occupied. When you can't move in, drop a Squid Beakon.

The problem with Suction Bomb is that it drains your ink reserves and gives away your position, forcing you to fight from the sides of the map. You're using the flanks to launch your attacks. Stealth is required, and Squid Beakons  discretely adds support features.

Ink Storm is the real prize and the enabler of much of your offense. As defense, zone denial or part of a push; Ink Storm does everything while leaving you freedom to paint or ambush. It increases your threat level, forcing enemies to engage you if they don't want you to rain on their efforts.

Tower Control: Nouveau set

Octobrush does boring paint support, farming meter for its special. Early paint support is vital to support your teammates in their offense, offering movement options and fields of escape. Your first Ink Storm will probably decide the state of the whole match, so aim well.

Only after you've thrown your first Ink Storm can you seriously consider offense. Basically, you're using the general chaos to slip ahead unseen and consider the state of battle. When in doubt, drop a Squid Beakon. The goal is to get the enemy team to fight you rather than whomever is on the tower.

Suction Bomb on the tower might seem like a better strategy, but you want to occupy as much space in enemy territory as possible and shift the focus of battle onto you. Trust Ink Storm as the superior tower deterrent. With skill, you'll have access to your special as readily as you would a long range bomb subweapon.

Rainmaker: Vanilla set

Flanking becomes much harder in Rainmaker and as such a fallback strategy is required when neither flank nor frontal approaches are available. Your goal remains to mix up your foes from a safe distance, and Suction Bomb keeps you an hazard at all times.

Hitting the Barrier with both bomb and main weapon is a good way to expend all your ink at once. If you see any opposition, target them with a Suction Bomb and see if you can't attack them directly. If you think you'll lose the battle for the Rainmaker, a bomb tossed post explosion might make retrieval risky.

Zipcaster gives you a ready way to flank when no path seemed open. It's your primary source of offense considering the lack of options to splat at range. Though Ink Storm has defensive properties, the Octobrush is more comfortable playing Rainmaker full offense.

Clam Blitz: Vanilla set

Octobrush is primarily paint support and clam retrieval, with the caveat that it can't swim to a clam spawn if an opponent is anywhere near. Not even a Suction Bomb will help in this case, your rival will have more mobility while fighting than you.

Change the order of battle instead. Toss Suction Bombs into enemy area and force the enemy to engage you. Force the enemy to fight on your turf where the spread of Octobrush strokes are to your advantage in a scramble. Continue harassing with Suction Bomb to force your opponents into mistakes.

Zipcaster might prevent you from picking up or tossing clams, but should be seen as an all-purpose splat enabler. It synergizes perfectly within a strategy of bomb harassment and paint support. Always lead with your bombs, even before activating specials. 


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