Tri-Stringer sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Vanilla set

Although the instinct is to bring Sprinkler to Splat Zones, the Tri-Stringer inks pretty well with half charges, although it can't compete with dedicated ink sprayers. Use Toxic Mist as an offensive weapon, targeting forward elements. You can't instant splat, but a slowed opponent is susceptible to chip damage.

With Toxic Mist, you aren't limited to full charge snipes, meaning your strikes can better adapt against evasive fighters. As an anchor, the enemy naturally views you as an immediate threat and might overextend to get you. Such targets are easier to mist, and an isolated target is quickly defeated.

Killer Wail 5.1 brings tracking chip damage to the mix, necessary when the best painters are the most mobile. Pointing out their location makes it easier to aim your shots as well. Concentrate on eliminating threats to the zones rather than throw more ink at the problem.

Tower Control: Inkline set

Tri-Slinger plays a more supportive role in Tower Control, offering fire support and extra paint from the rear lines. To prevent a counterattack, toss Sprinkler up high so that the dribbling ink prevents opponents from rushing you. The more area you paint, the more you can swim about when chased.

Though you might consider your place at the tower, the Tri-Stringer's arcing shots makes it excellent against enemies in difficult defensive positions. Your weapon sets up the team's offensive, delivering cover fire for your assault units. A front-facing Sprinkler can act as a blind while you charge shots.

Super Chump launches a ton of paint ahead, perfect to support those fighting in front of the tower. Defenders will crack between the pressure of imminently exploding chumps and an advancing tower. When on defense, short range Super Chump makes for an even more powerful blind to help support short shots.

Rainmaker: Vanilla set

Repeated half charged shots is your best Barrier shredder move and outdamages many short ranged weapons. You are however quite vulnerable doing so. Pay attention to your surroundings and be prepared to counterattack with Toxic Mist and plenty of chip damage.

This set shines on defense when you must intercept a Rainmaker carrier. Between Toxic Mist and Killer Wail 5.1, prevent any advance by the enemy. Direct damage is hard to come by under pressure so every option helps. When on offense, play defense, with Toxic Mist in the face of anyone forcing their way to your carrier.

Otherwise, you deliver fire support and extra paint, not unlike in Tower Control. There's a greater emphasis on point defense and intercepting approaching threats with Toxic Mist. Against anchors in dominant position, curved shots and Killer Wail 5.1 remain your strongest weapons.

Clam Blitz: Inkline set

This Tri-Stringer set is the anchor weapon that provides its own paint support! Your priority is securing an advantageous central position from which you can look over your clam collectors. If forced off, toss a distraction Sprinkler while on the move to build distance and special meter. 

Spreading ink across the map is an endeavor all by itself. Clam Blitz relies on area gains so your teammates can easily reach clams as they spawn. Overhanging Sprinklers either act as lures or paint over enemy fire, building supplemental meter. The pay off is Super Chump, which just inks more map area.

Super Chump can also be used for its stated purpose: covering a teammate's super jump. A relevant ability in Clam Blitz, compounded by the fact you fire cover fire to your clam dunkers. Aggressive meter building leads to a flood of ink from above, and the near impossibility for foes to regain map control.


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