
Tri-Stringer sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Vanilla set Although the instinct is to bring Sprinkler to Splat Zones, the Tri-Stringer inks pretty well with half charges, although it can't compete with dedicated ink sprayers. Use Toxic Mist as an offensive weapon, targeting forward elements. You can't instant splat, but a slowed opponent is susceptible to chip damage. With Toxic Mist , you aren't limited to full charge snipes, meaning your strikes can better adapt against evasive fighters. As an anchor, the enemy naturally views you as an immediate threat and might overextend to get you. Such targets are easier to mist, and an isolated target is quickly defeated. Killer Wail 5.1 brings tracking chip damage to the mix, necessary when the best painters are the most mobile. Pointing out their location makes it easier to aim your shots as well. Concentrate on eliminating threats to the zones rather than throw more ink at the problem. Tower Control: Inkline set Tri-Slinger plays a more supportive role in Towe...

Sloshing Machine sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Neo set With poor paint spread for an ink intensive weapon, the Sloshing Machine isn't well suited to taking the zones. It's much better at holding them, leaning on Point Sensor  to keep control of enemy movement and avoiding guess work when on the attack. Highlighting short range targets is what makes enemy anchors vulnerable. When the painting units hesitate to advance on the zones, it denies the backline their "buffer". Don't waste Point Sensor on the backline, instead surprise them with sloshing damage from below, outside of their line of sight. Trizooka similarly provides instant elimination and is preferable in that regard. Your goal isn't to paint the zones, but to remove enemy painters from the relevant field and utilizing the Sloshing Machine to deny height advantage from the enemy backline. Tower Control: Neo set Combining one of the best weapons at removing someone from the tower with the tracking Point Sensor makes for a killer comb...

Splat Brella sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Vanilla set Splat Brella keeps to the zones and occupies as much space as possible. Unless already in a skirmish, consider tossing a Sprinkler to increase the amount of ink on the stage. The less area you leave to the enemy, the easier it is to swim about and approach. Paint wide when you can. You don't want to spend shots moving forwards and giving away your assault. Use existing trails and flank if you can. Setting up Sprinklers on high walls in advance gives you more time for ink to recover, unlike Autobombs which want your immediate follow-up. Triple Inkstrike is a necessary special for challenging the enemy backline when they're in a dominant position. It works well within an overpainting strategy and as your primary tool to push within enemy territory. If on defense, it gives you an instant beachhead from which to start a counterattack. Tower Control: Vanilla set Tower Control maps are wide and as a skirmisher, you're looking for a way to initiate an e...

Octobrush sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Nouveau set The Octobrush would be an excellent painter if it could reliably fight from within the zones. As it stands, avoid direct confrontations and wait from the sides to swoop in. Be a flanker, seeking open targets or painting while the enemy is occupied. When you can't move in, drop a Squid Beakon . The problem with Suction Bomb is that it drains your ink reserves and gives away your position, forcing you to fight from the sides of the map. You're using the flanks to launch your attacks. Stealth is required, and  Squid Beakons  discretely adds support features. Ink Storm is the real prize and the enabler of much of your offense. As defense, zone denial or part of a push;  Ink Storm does everything while leaving you freedom to paint or ambush. It increases your threat level, forcing enemies to engage you if they don't want you to rain on their efforts. Tower Control: Nouveau set Octobrush does boring paint support, farming meter for its special. Early ...

Bloblobber sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Vanilla set As with many anchor weapons, the Bloblobber wants to paint the zones with Sprinkler so that it may concentrate on individual foes. The Bloblobber fights best from a vantage point; but when forced out of position, a Sprinkler tossed on the fly buys time and prevents too much critical area in the zone from being lost. Sprinkler also works well within the context of a push. Tossed out immediately after exiting swim state, the Sprinkler forces spacing and upholds a certain distance from your target. It prevents an immediate counterattack, buying time to lob more blobs. Ink Storm is an all-purpose special in the context of Splat Zones, notable because it allows you to keep attacking and tossing Sprinklers . It doesn't get in the way of painting as with Kraken Royale. Useful defensively as area denial, but also offensively as added chip damage to combo with blobs. Tower Control: Deco set The Bloblobber must contend with the fact that although a backliner, it...

Ballpoint Splatling sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Nouveau set Ballpoint Splatling does its best work either from the front lines helping out flankers or emerging from flanks helping out the front line. It's the crossfire king, with natural mobility allowing it to take the position it wants. So bring Ink Mine ; to keep some presence on the zones while setting up all those crossfires. Simply understand that setting up Ink Mine is a supplemental part of your strategy, not the main focus. The main weapon is ink thirsty and your presence constantly needed. Wait for a lull in the action and place Ink Mine to cover your own flanks, relative to the main forces you are assisting.  Ink Vac let's you advance to the front lines and absorb backline fire, thereby shielding your teammates so that they may push. It's a stationary special but follows the theme of securing progress made. When without teammates or on defense, the main cannon blast will suffice in scattering enemy defense. Tower Control: Vanilla set Ballpoint ...

Goo Tuber sets: Ranked Mode

Splat Zones: Custom set As one of the weakest chargers on the subject of painting, the Goo Tuber needs a way to pull targets in so as to snipe. Unlike Torpedoes, Fizzy Bombs  cannot be destroyed. Your strategy should be to toss a charged bomb into the fray, then snipe those inking over the blast of your bomb. You want the opponent to react to the effect of the bomb rather than the bomb itself. Your main weapon remains the Goo Tuber itself, and your role remains to charge and seek targets. The Fizzy Bomb  merely provides an incentive to occupy nimble short ranged ink sprayers. Such spray and pray players are the greatest danger to zone control. As such, the large hit box of Ultra Stamp ensures a splat no matter where they go. The Custom set offers tools best suited against lightweights, who'd otherwise shoot down torpedoes and evade missiles. Tower Control: Vanilla set The beauty of the vanilla set is that even if you don't have any clear shots, you still have tons of options d...